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For an example implementation, please refer to our react-wallet-chat example and demo

Initialize your WalletConnect ChatClient, using your Project ID​

import { Core } from '@walletconnect/core'
import { SyncClient, SyncStore } from '@walletconnect/sync-client'
import { ChatClient } from '@walletconnect/chat-client'

// Initialize core separately to allow sharing it between sync and chat
const core = new Core({
projectId: '<YOUR PROJECT ID>'

// SyncClient enables syncing data across devices
const syncClient = await SyncClient.init({
projectId: '<YOUR PROJECT ID>',

const chatClient = await ChatClient.init({
projectId: '<YOUR PROJECT ID>',
keyserverUrl: '<YOUR KEYSERVER URL: eg:',
SyncStoreController: SyncStore
chatClient.on('chat_invite', async event => {
// React to an incoming invite to chat.

chatClient.on('chat_invite_accepted', async event => {
// React to your peer joining a given chat.

chatClient.on('chat_invite_rejected', async event => {
// React to your peer declining your invite

chatClient.on('chat_message', event => {
// React to an incoming messages for a given chat.

chatClient.on('chat_ping', event => {
// React to an incoming ping event from a peer on a given chat topic.

chatClient.on('chat_left', event => {
// React to a peer leaving a given chat.

Register your blockchain address with the key server​

To allow for other Chat SDK user's to invite you to a chat, you need to register your account with the public key server.

The key server expects a full CAIP-2 account for the address (as shown below).

onSign will be used to sign the identity key using a wallet, one could supply wagmi's signMessage function here for example.

await chatClient.register({ account: `eip155:1:0xa6de541...`, onSign: async () => {} })

Inviting another peer to chat​

To send a chat invitation to a peer, you can call .invite() with your account and an invite object:

const inviteePublicKey = await chatClient.resolve({ account: 'eip155:1:0xf5d44...' })
await chatClient.invite({
message: "Hey, Let's chat!,
inviterAccount: `eip155:1:0xa6de541...`, // your CAIP-2 formatted account that you registered previously.
inviteeAccount: 'eip155:1:0xf5d44...', // the CAIP-2 formatted account of the recipient.

Accepting or rejecting an incoming invite​

When your client receives an invite from a peer, you're able to accept/reject it by calling .accept()/.reject() with the invite's id.

await chatClient.accept({ id: })

// or

await chatClient.reject({ id: })

Sending a chat message​

To send a message to a peer in an established chat thread (i.e. after you or the peer have accepted an invite), you can call .message() with the following parameters:

await chatClient.message({
topic: chatThread.topic,
message: 'Hey, good to hear from you!',
authorAccount: `eip155:1:0xa6de541...`, // your CAIP-2 formatted account that you registered previously.

Leaving a chat thread​

To leave an established chat thread (deleting the thread and its associated messages), call .leave() with the chat thread's topic:

await chatClient.leave({ topic: chatThread.topic })