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Signer Factory (iOS only)


Auth API is in the process of being greatly simplified, and will involve breaking changes. Please stand by.


This only applies to Swift SDK for Auth

WalletConnect Swift SDK does not depend on any third-party Web3 or crypto library. SignerFactory allows you to pass your own signer implementation.

Here's an example of SignerFactory implementation using Web3.swift

import Foundation
import CryptoSwift
import Web3
import Auth

public struct AuthSignerFactory: SignerFactory {

public func createEthereumSigner() -> EthereumSigner {
return Web3Signer()

public struct Web3Signer: EthereumSigner {

public func sign(message: Data, with key: Data) throws -> EthereumSignature {
let privateKey = try EthereumPrivateKey(privateKey: [UInt8](key))
let signature = try privateKey.sign(message: message.bytes)
return EthereumSignature(v: UInt8(signature.v), r: signature.r, s: signature.s)

public func recoverPubKey(signature: EthereumSignature, message: Data) throws -> Data {
let publicKey = try EthereumPublicKey(
message: message.bytes,
v: EthereumQuantity(quantity: BigUInt(signature.v)),
r: EthereumQuantity(signature.r),
s: EthereumQuantity(signature.s)
return Data(publicKey.rawPublicKey)

public func keccak256(_ data: Data) -> Data {
let digest = SHA3(variant: .keccak256)
let hash = digest.calculate(for: [UInt8](data))
return Data(hash)

Once AuthSignerFactory implemented it could be used to configure Auth client

account: Account("eip155:1:0xe5EeF1368781911d265fDB6946613dA61915a501")!,
signerFactory: AuthSignerFactory()